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Saturday, September 25, 2010

♥ DiGi iPhone 4 Me ♥

*this post mostly i blog with Mandarin, if you guys cant understand what i typing about, kindly recommend you all copy and paste the chinese word in GOOGLE TRANSLATE, you will understand it all then :D THANK YOU!*hug hug

Time pass really fast,i think its time to keep up
Remember when i was primary 6, i had my own cellphone

Its brand N, black and white screen, no bluetooth, infrared, and even the most basic- camera functions also don't have.

Im the DIGI user until now. About 10 years! (sound so old ==)

而當時申請的電訊台是DIGI,一直到現在. 大概10幾年了! (說起來好老==)

When i was secondary school, probably i changed 3-4 mobile phones.Mostly are also brand N, but that time began to have bluetooth and camera (30k pixels around?)

And i bought my FIRST touch screen's phone this year, brand S
而在今年, 購買了人生中第一台觸控式屏幕的手機, S牌.

Less than a year, i started to felt it function can't accord my needs, I think its time to replace then ...

Why i need to replace it,a year mobile phone? (confusing'')
為甚麼用不到一年的手機就要換掉呢? (抓頭'')

W-H-Y ???

Ok,Let mi tell you now!
1. No need a cellphone always driving me crazy
第一: 不想要常常讓我抓狂的手機

The lil S touch screen no sensitive at all, even Touch,beat. Its make me bad temper,often.
此機觸控屏幕一點都不觸控, 常常感應不到;就算多麼努力的'碰',甚至用力按,都不能

2: the fully functional, alots apps be able to download's mobile phone
第二 : 需要功能齊全,有很多apps能夠下載的手機

If not, better i use the bottle size cellphone,which my dad used one! (10+ years ago)
如果沒有, 那倒不如用10幾年前我爸用那種
 水瓶般大小的大哥大好了! 什麼apps都沒有, 在現在的時代怎麼過!

3. Always be able for online, share my feeling with others.Anytime, Everywhere.
第三:  時時刻刻能夠上網吸收資訊, 分享心情

 *kiss goodbye*
Lil S destined to be abandoned by me, lousy WiFi,lagging always! (Angry'')
S你注定要被我拋棄了,你有wifi=沒有wifi, 常常lag著,不能下載!!!(生氣狀)

4. High resolution's camera 
第四:  高像素,清楚拍攝生活中點點滴滴

Of course for me larh!!xxD Although i had camera, but i love the ALL IN ONE stuff!!
more EASY!
很簡單! 相機很重! 而且我喜歡all in one 的東西

The Last Thing, i dun wan to be the OUTDATED one!! xD  
最後一項:當然要跟得上時代樓!!! xxD

 Throw away the old concept, 
People Do always update,improve and progress ourselves,
This world will be more wonderful.
這樣世界才會  越來越好

The most wonderful touch screen's mobile phone in my mind is.....


iPhone 4 makes video calling a reality. See your friends while you talk to them and make phone calls like you've never seen before. iPhone 4 to iPhone 4 over Wi-Fi.
Retina display
It's the sharpest, most vibrant, highest-rresolution phone screen ever. With four times the pixel count of the previous iPhone, images and text are amazingly crisp.
Run multiple apps at the same time and switch between them instantly. All without sacrificing performance or battery life.
HD video recording
Now you'll always have a great HD video camera with you. Record, edit, and share HD video right on iPhone 4.
5-megapixel camera
Photography on iPhone 4 takes a giant leap forward. The 5-megapixel camera includes a 5x digital zoom, a built-in LED flash, and improved low-light performance.
1. 多工處理技術
Apple iPhone 4 引入了一個全新的多工處理方式,可以運行最喜愛的第三方應用程式,以及快速的切換功能。Apple iPhone 4 16GB 多工操控介面能以最快速度切換最近使用的軟體,只要雙擊 HOME 按鍵,馬上顯示最近使用程式排序,還可以記住所瀏覽過的路徑。
 2. 五百萬畫素相機並具備影音、主題編輯功能
Apple iPhone 4 16GB 內建搭載 iOS 4(based on Mac OS)操作系統,以及 Apple A4 processor 處理器,而且還將相機的拍攝能力提升到 500 萬畫素,可提供自動對焦、LED 閃光燈功能,補捉隨時的每一刻。另外,Apple iPhone 4 16GB 還具備音樂、影片播放編輯器,能夠自已創作影片加入音樂和照片,透過您的 MobileMe Gallery 或是 YouTube 分享在世界的每一端。
 3. 高速連線網路
除此之外,Apple iPhone 4 16GB 也擁有快速的網路連線速度,具備 HSDPA 7.2Mbps、HSUPA 5.76Mbps 上傳下載的實力,也加入了學生族群喜愛的 Wi-Fi 802.11b/g/n 無線網路。出外旅遊時候,透過 GPS 衛星導航就能尋找最佳的導航路徑,或是藉由 Geotagging 地理標記探索走過的足跡。

just so easy!

Where to buy neh? So many choices, how to choose the BEST ONE?
那.....要到哪買呢? 市面上那麼多選擇,該怎麼選好列?

Of course want the Valueable and cheapest one larh!

Who else can refuse after saw this??

DIGI iPhone 4 Me

smile like :D this!

So, i want iphone4!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥